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Guided Dental Implant Surgery

Guided Implant Surgery is a procedure in which precision surgical instrumentation (Special guides and drills) are used in conjunction with 3D CBCT (Cone Beam CT) scan images to assist in placing dental implants in ideal positions with correct angles, trajectory and away from any nerves. (Image 1)

Image 3-Surgical guide | Kennett Dental Implants

Image 1: Surgical Guide used to place a dental implant

What are the benefits of guided dental implant surgery?

  • Surgery time is shorter becuase the planning is done before the surgery and location of vital structures (ex: Nerves) are identified also prior to surgery
  • Generally carried out in a less invasive surgery without using blades which offers shorter recovery time for the patient with less pain (Images 2, 3)
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Image 2:

Guided Dental Implant

Image 3:

  • Precision planning of the angle/trajectory of the dental implant within the bone especially for the front teeth (See Image 4)
Guided Dental Implant Surgery
  • Image 4: Cross Section showing the width of the width between the outside and inside layers of bone. Guided surgery allows for precession in placing the dental implant at the correct angle and trajectory to make implant crowns look very natural.

Accurate dental implant placement when there is limited space for dental implants (Images 5-8)

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Image 5: Surgical Guide placed over

Space Between Teeth | Immediate Dental Implants Kennett Square PA

Image 7: Limited space between teeth

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Image 6: Surgical Guide planning The teeth

Space Between Teeth | Dental Implant Surgery Kennett Square PA

Image 8: Dental Implant placed safely While staying away from the teeth

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