Snap-on Dentures

What is an implant Overdenture?

It is a Snap-on Denture that is used to replace all the teeth using a denture that snaps in or
locks in to certain connections called “locators” that are placed over the dental implants.

Periodontist Kennett Square PA


  • A cone beam CT scan is taken to check the volume of bone and determine the
    location of the dental implants
  • A Surgical Guide is planned
  • Four dental implants are placed in
    the jaw using a surgical guide

Sometimes a titanium bar can be made
to connect the implants and to add
stability. The bar increases the retention
and stability of the teeth, but a bar isn’t
always used. The denture, then
connects or locks onto the implants
and/or bar for stability using special
attachments that are called “Locators”

Dentist Treatment Roles:

  • Bone Grafting, surgical guide and the
    dental implants are completed
    by Drs Khoury, and Cabrera.
  • Locators, bar and the Overdenture
    are typically completed by your
    general dentist


  • A cone beam CT scan is taken to check the volume of bone and determine the
    location of the dental implants
  • A Surgical Guide is planned
  • Four dental implants are placed in
    the jaw using a surgical guide

Sometimes a titanium bar can be made
to connect the implants and to add
stability. The bar increases the retention
and stability of the teeth, but a bar isn’t
always used. The denture, then
connects or locks onto the implants
and/or bar for stability using special
attachments that are called “Locators”

Dentist Treatment Roles:

  • Bone Grafting, surgical guide and the
    dental implants are completed
    by Drs Khoury, and Cabrera.
  • Locators, bar and the Overdenture
    are typically completed by your
    general dentist